Monday, August 29, 2011

I am sitting here in my living room, with a list of ten thousand things to do, which still has about a hundred things left on it, and I just don't want to move anymore.

I am feeling sorry for myself. Yes I am. I want the lobster here. I want to hear his voice. I want his help. I want his companionship. 

I was roaming around my house looking for my tankers wife sweatshirt (which I can't find) and I ended up curled up in one of his uniforms, sobbing. I just don't want to be without him. I don't function well when he isn't around. I don't work the way I'm supposed to, and everything ends up foggy and chaotic. I know I have so little to complain about, but this is how I'm feeling today. 

I really wish he was here. I really wish I wasn't doing this alone.

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