Wednesday, August 17, 2011


This morning has started off with a bang. I woke up way earlier than I expected to (not because of any particular reason, my brain just decided to jolt itself into action), and am finally starting to feel more normal after the sickness wave that has been plaguing me for a week. Maybe that's why I woke up early? Maybe my body was like "YES! We don't feel like we're walking through a fog anymore!"

The kids have been behaving like superstars this morning. In our household, we talk a lot about teamwork. It's sort of our motto. We are a team, and we do things together and accomplish things so much better as a team. This morning, the kids are just grasping this concept amazingly! I am incredibly thankful for it. They're all four working together to solve problems and accomplish tasks. I am loving it!

Lolli, my oldest, asked if she could empty the dishwasher this morning. That's correct, you read it right, she asked if she could do it! The trips are currently taking all of the books off the bookshelf and reorganizing them so it doesn't look chaotic.

Our "to do" list for today includes: schoolwork, tidying up the house, picking up dog food, getting water, doing some laundry, and picking up a prescription. If this morning is any indicator of how this day will go, I am actually quite excited!

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