Monday, August 15, 2011

I'm Glad

Our four children are sweetly tucked in bed. I am so glad that you got to watch us playing today. As much as it hurt you to not be a  part of it. I am glad you got to see them being silly and laughing. I'm glad that this was the memory for this moment, for this day. I'm glad that we got to spend hours talking about stupid things that don't really matter in the grand scheme of life. I'm glad that today it was just you and me and them and us all together. I'm glad that the webcam worked today, of all days. I'm glad that today you told me what you wanted me to do. I am glad that today it wasn't complicated or messy or terrifying.

I'm glad that you love us more than you know how to say. I'm glad that we love you more than we know how to say. I'm glad that our inabilities to say it, don't prevent us from trying.

I'm glad that you have given me the best decade of my life. I'm glad that I get to "officially" say "decade" now without you telling me it's only been nine years and seven months (or however many months it was at the time). I'm glad that you've shown me what true love is, in all of its powerful, messy, and passionate glory. I'm glad that you've given me four beautiful children. I'm glad that you make me laugh all the time. I'm glad that I can make you laugh with tremendous ease. I'm glad that I know you better than anyone else. I'm glad that you know me better than anyone else. I'm glad that we both have aspects of crazy, so that neither of us feels burdened, or too insane at any given time. I'm glad that you are strong enough to carry the weight of my dominance and my submission without skipping a beat or making me feel worthless. I'm glad that you aren't intimidated by my intelligence, nor conquered by it. I'm glad that you know how to fight me, and win. I'm glad that you've taught me how to lose and be happy about it.

I'm glad that you and are a we. I'm glad that our children need not ever doubt that we two kids are crazy about each other. I'm glad that you are my warrior, and I am your maiden. I'm glad that you still call me your girlfriend, even after all these years. I'm glad that you love me with an all consuming, agape form of love.

Even if all of this goes away with one last breath, I'm glad.

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