Tuesday, March 1, 2011

little old ghetto me.

It has been a crazy week here around this military household. I have been soldiering through some weird random stomach situation. After three weeks of almost constant nausea, today I woke up from a haze.

Okay, back up...rewind a bit. I will explain the haze.

On Sunday when my lobster wanted me to go to church, I was sick in the bathroom (do I really need to explain that any further?) and told him I couldn't go. He started to get upset and said, "Why is it that for the past three weeks you haven't been able to go to church!?" I was like, "I'm sick! It's not that I don't want to go."

But it got me thinking...wow! Has this really been going on for three weeks!? Yikes!

So I asked the hubster to call the appointment line (he wakes up at the crack of dawn and I do not!) and make me an appointment. He did, and I went.

So the Doc ordered me a little drug called Fenergen (and a plethora of tests that I do not feel the need to elaborate on here) to take in order to help with the nausea. She casually mentioned that this drug might make me kind of sleepy, so I should try to use it cautiously. I told her, look Doc, I can't stand taking medicine at all, so I probably won't take it if I can avoid it.

I should probably mention that when doctor's say a drug MIGHT make me slightly drowsy, it really translates into it will essentially work like a general anesthesia on me. For example, Benadryl, a lovely little drug for allergies. It's not supposed to anesthetize people, it's supposed to make them "drowsy". Yeah, ahem. That's not the case for this chick. I take two benadryl's and I am rendered unconscious for approximately sixteen hours (or more). Good luck waking me. It won't happen.

So I took this Fenergen last night right before dinner. I thought to myself, hey! It's dinner! Hopefully I can eat it. The lobster was home so I wasn't too worried if it did make me tired. My brain felt fuzzy and weird after a half an hour, but the nausea was weird. It was almost like my body wanted to be nauseous but something wasn't allowing it. I ate my saltines and drank my sprite. I felt fine. Then eight o'clock rolled in. I'm not kidding you. It's like some thing turned a light switch off to my brain and I could not stay awake. I literally went into my room and went to bed, texting my husband (who was in the living room. Yes...that tired!) that I was going to bed.

Now, I am usually a light sleeper. When the lobster comes to bed, I wake up. And stay awake for a while. When he gets up for work, the same. When the kids make noises...I'm awake. When the dogs...well, you get the picture. Last night? I didn't even know my husband came to bed. I barely heard his alarm blaring in my ear in the morning. I didn't even hear my children (which motherly freaks me out, but thank the Lord they were fine). This is what Fenergen did to me. After 13 and a half hours of sleep, I awoke wanting more. But my madar (mom-radar) kicked in and told me my children would need to eat breakfast eventually, so I had to get up.

I realize that was a lot of back story to get to this point in my day, but heck. It's my blog. Nanner nanner nanner. :)

The Fenergen seemed to help immensely. I didn't have any nausea today. So tonight, for the first time in ages, I got to eat dinner! It was absolutely magical!

We BBQ'd hot dogs and had some fresh strawberries. Yummo! They were so good.

After dinner, I was feeling brave (and a bit ghetto) and I told my husband I wanted to roast marshmallows. He said, "On what?" I said, "The bbq!" He literally laughed at me. Now I suppose it probably looked really ridiculous, me holding a marshmallow roasting stick over our BBQ, but hey! It was an adventure. After I came in to show the lobster my perfectly roasted marshmallows, he wanted in. So here's the picture: my large family, all huddled around our BBQ, roasting marshmallows. I'm sure the neighbors were laughing in their homes about the ridiculousness of it all, but this is the fun in my household. These are the moments that people remember when they get older. The total random acts of fun-ness.

Now, I have four children running back and forth from their bedrooms to the bathroom, getting ready for baths. I have to laugh. It's been a wonderful day.... BBQ'd marshmallows and all!

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