Sunday, March 6, 2011

I know why the caged bird sings. Okay, so I'm being dramatic.

I miss dancing. I miss letting loose a plethora of emotions to choreography. I miss forcing my body to express what my words can not. I miss creating. I miss story telling.I miss singing. I miss performing. I miss acting too. I miss playing volleyball. I miss tennis. I wish I had someone who would play tennis with me. I miss being physically challenged by those around me.

I am completely immersed in mom-dom. Momdom is very similar to kingdom, except that it is filled with a lot of children and very few adults. It's the girly version of ruling a crowd. On a side note and off topic: have you ever noticed how the very word "kingdom" implies nothing to the effeminate? It is completely  masculine. As are a lot of words in the English language. 

Back to topic now. :) I am trapped in the confines of my gender. I feel like fighting. I am in a fighting mood. Not fighting in the sense of arguing with my lobster (I actually hate that). I mean, I just sometimes miss the challenge of taking on all of the big boys and playing their game and doing a better job at it than they do. There was this guy in high school... He was my male nemesis. Okay, not really... he was actually a pretty cool dude. But he and I were competitors. He was smart, but I was smarter (I can say this with a certainty...because one of us was valedictorian...and one of us wasn't....that's all I'm saying. haha). 

I just miss being fired up. I miss getting my passionate juices flowing and having a knock down, drag out, crazy, inspiring, beautiful, sensational, amazing fight. I miss going against the grain. I miss being unique. I miss being able to start up the engines and take on the world. 

I usually feel quite content here in this life that I live. For some reason today...I just miss being...different. I feel so conformist. I feel so stuck.

I am sure it will pass momentarily. I think I just need to flex my book-loving muscles...and not "The Cat in the Hat" kind. :)


  1. I recommend picking up "The Other Brain" by Douglas Fields. That will challenge you, and give you all sorts of amazing things to think about. You will realize that although sometimes life may seem mundane, you can literally help shape your children's minds. It brought me back to that time in college when I was waist deep in challenging thought. When the world seemed exciting and full of possibilities. Those things are still going on, we just have to find our own windows to peek into those worlds instead of it being assigned reading.

  2. I will definitely add it to my reading list. To be honest...I don't get to do much reading with the kids being so young. But I am hoping that this year with them being a bit older and more and more independent, that will happen more.
