Thursday, March 3, 2011

I love to laugh! Ha Ha Ha Ha!

I love to laugh. Seriously. I spend time every single day reading jokes. I think it is so important to have a laugh about the aspects of life. People are way too serious. We spend so much time all day long wearing these big fancy serious pants, that we completely forget to just let loose and act silly. For the young in bones (as opposed to young at heart), the only way to "let loose" seems to be to get completely wasted, act like an idiot, end up broke, and blame it on the booze. I however think it is much cheaper, and less hang-overy, to just act silly minus the alcohol.

Now it might be difficult for some of you to behave like a complete lunatic without an excuse. You see, I have a built in excuse for my lunacy: the triplets. For now and for always, I will always be able to say that my triplets have caused me to be insane. I like to think of it as one of the perks for the amounts of energy they deplete from me. I mean, don't get me wrong. I am not complaining. My kids are one of the greatest resources of hilarity. They are SO much fun. At any given moment one of them will do something so extremely hilarious that I am often laughing throughout my day by their facial expressions, actions, creativity moments, etc etc etc.

But, I digress. Back to my topic. People need a good excuse for complete and utter ridiculous behavior. To clarify, I am not referring to ridiculous behavior of the jerky-donkey-not very nice individual kind. I'm referring to the kind where you just laugh SO loud (as opposed to the more "polite" quiet, lady chuckle), or you give out a WOOOHOOOO, or you dance in the grocery store, etc etc etc etc. I think most women have built in excuses, but sometimes we have to be creative. Maybe you're an Army wife...then you can always blame your lunacy on your "profession" (and lets be clear...being an Army wife is a profession. One must be highly educated, very politely political-it is EXTREMELY difficult to remember all the people's names that you have to remember and their rank's, caring, a professional manager of baked goods, caregiver, multi-gendered-hello! you are mom and dad!, repairman, psychologist, warrior against all things individual-Yes housing, I know you said you fixed my closet, but it still won't open, and on and on). If you're a mom (even if you just have one), then you've got a great excuse! Um...your kids. If you're could use that one. If you're definitely have an excuse (especially if you're upholding the whole, no sex before marriage philosophy).

So now that you've figured out an excuse...go ahead and try an act of lunacy today. Maybe you could climb into an elevator and face the back of the elevator. If you're really brave, you could start singing row, row, row your boat. And then just watch the faces. It will be hilarious. I promise you. Or maybe walk through your grocery store aisle and jump up and click your heels together. It'll get you laughing. Dance with your child in the waiting room to whatever it is that you are waiting for. Better yet, get one of your other kids to sing the music that you're dancing to. Have a tickle fight...with yourself. Well, maybe that's going to far. But either way. Do something hilarious today. I promise that your frame of mind will drastically improve. And if you should choose, tell me the story. I always love a good laugh! :)

1 comment:

  1. LOL - my favorite times with you is laughing. You always make me laugh :)
