Monday, October 24, 2011


For the past few days I have been working on completing a project that should have been finished a year ago. I am a procrastinator. I get involved in a project and then I get busy with life and the project goes to the back burner and activities come to the front. Before I know it, the project is packed away in a bag somewhere, and I'll "stumble" upon it while purging myself of stuffitis. I hate having stuff just to have it. If it isn't meaningful, useful, something I actually use, I don't want it. Call it the byproduct of your house burning down in front of you, or Army/college moves... Whatever it may be, it's how I am. I can't stand the idea of having stuff just to have it. 

So I've been working on this project and I looked down at my hands, which are bleeding (seriously... I've been working on it that much), which then caused me to look down at my shirt, and I burst out laughing. I am COVERED in string. Seriously! I don't know how/when it happened, but my pink shirt has become bedazzled with a gazillion little pieces of thread. So this is the image: hair in a pony tail (um, it is RARELY not in one. It's called kids...), hot pink tank top covered in tiny pieces of white thread, fingers covered in cuts, rug burns, and scabs, head phones on my ears (have to stay motivated!), and a smile on my face. 

PS. At church yesterday I wore one of my new outfits, can I just say that a bunch of people said how nice I looked. It made me feel rather lovely. :)

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