Thursday, October 6, 2011

Sometimes you get locked out of your house, because you need to sit in the breeze and soak up the outside air. Sometimes no one will answer their phones, because you need to experience the silence, and the experiences that come with it. Sometimes you're sitting in a crowded room feeling completely alone, because alone is exactly where you need to be in that moment. Sometimes a calm comes while your child screams at you for three hours, because you just don't have any fight left in you anymore. Sometimes you keep yourself so busy that you can hardly remember the last time you sat down, because you need to be outside of your house as much as possible. Sometimes you're so busy doing everything else but what you probably should be doing, because should is a quarter too short of a dollar and you just can't.

Sometimes you're screaming as loud as you can, because you have the strength to. Sometimes you should be screaming but are silent, because you don't have any willpower left. Sometimes you are more depressed than depressed can even describe, because you just need to be. Sometimes you need to grieve, because your heart has some unspoken that it needs to ache over. Sometimes you don't know what that is, because you aren't supposed to at this particular time.

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