Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sorry PRT, I have to say BYE BYE BYE!

Now that my back is finally more on the mend, I have been authorized the go ahead to start exercising again. I am doing so with two new rules. #1 is stop when it hurts. No more pushing through the pain and enjoying the high of it. When my body aches, I must quit. (let me just add that I argued against this, but he said it was the only way he would "approve" of exercise right now...he did add-I think just to try to cheer me up-that this is only temporary and I can go back to my wild workout ways later). #2 is that PRT is COMPLETELY off the menu. My chiropractor has specifically forbidden it. He says it is the equivalent of spinal destruction for me. It is a no go for launch (this isn't terribly bothering me because after nearly six months of doing it daily it has produced NO results whatsoever. Sorry Army...PRT sucks). In PRT's place, he has ordered up a beautiful menu alternating yoga and pilates.

Tonight was day one of yoga. I only did a ten minute routine as I was told that I needed to start slowly. Um...shall I say...I was challenged. I was shocked by that! I thought it would be a piece of cake, but it was quite difficult actually. I don't know if my flexibility has departed with the whole back nonsense, or if it's that I'm getting older, but some of those positions that I would've been easily able to do a few months ago were extremely difficult! It felt good though, so I'm not complaining. Yoga is essentially entirely making oneself flexible and able to hold itself up under its own weight (from my VERY beginner's perspective).

Tomorrow pilates will be on the menu, but I'm actually excited about that. I've been doing pilates for forever, so it's not new and unfamiliar to me. I am looking forward to challenging my abs again! :)

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