A man walked in to a bar and said "Ouch!"
Admit it. You laughed. You know you did. That joke is funny. It's one of those jokes that has been told time and time again...but it's still hilarious. Another one I like:
A horse walks in to a bar and the bartender says: "Why the long face?"
You laughed then too...didn't you? :)
Laughter is the world's best medicine. I suppose, truth be told, it's mine. It is definitely number one in regards to all things sanity. I love to laugh. I need to laugh. I thrive on it. Truth be told...life is just ridiculous. At least life in America. What are our real struggles? If we put it all in to perspective...Seriously....so many people in the world have things WAY worse than I do. Being all down and agitated is so silly...
Second on my list of all things sanity: completely rocking out, dancing, where no one can see me. Blaring the music at top volume, just to drown out all the endless questions that my kids ask, and the rumbling, rambling, bumbling thoughts shifting and surfing around in my brain. Music moves my soul. There is nothing like moving one's body to a beat, just to pour out emotions: joy, pain, sadness, excitement...etc etc. I enjoy doing this alone for a couple of reasons:
1. I do not enjoy what the trips did to my body. I don't think anyone else should have to endure the torture of watching all that jiggles from me on any sort of dance floor/stage
2. I remember being in college and going to the clubs and seeing those "old people" and thinking to myself what the heck are they doing here? Don't they know they're old!? At that time I made a promise to myself I would not torture young people with my old white chick dance moves...even though I can still get jiggy with it (in a massively jiggly way! HAHA!)
3. I am insecure now. I used to dance all the time. I use to know I was good at it. I used to rock to some pretty cool beats. Now? I'm a "mom". Momsville and dancing just don't mix so well.
4. I don't want to think about/worry about/be distracted by the notion of what some dude might possibly be thinking about what I'm doing. I don't want to tempt someone to sin (not that my body would cause anyone to do that anyway). I know how visual men AND women are, and in this world? It's better to be safe than sorry.
5. The only person I would ever go dancing with is the lobster, and...um...bless his heart...he has NO groove. Besides, it probably wouldn't end up the way I would want the whole experience too...so it's better to leave it alone.
These are why I dance alone, in my house, with the music blaring. I really want to get one of those arm band things for the iPod. Then I could rock out even more often!
My third all things sanity activity/whatever you call it, is abdominal workouts. I don't know why I love it so much, but I completely do. Despite my weight, in the last three months, I got back to pumping out five hundred sit ups a day. I love pilates, crunches, table tops, and now push ups (I am shocked that I'm writing this!) and anything that pushes, challenges, or stretches my core. I suppose it's my version of "running". A lot of people run to de-stress. Me? I do sit ups.
My fourth thing of all things sanity isn't appropriate to write here...so I'll just keep it in the bedroom.
Let me put it frankly...I am SO sick of feeling like an old maid. This is what happens when a woman spends a month barely moving and bored out of her mind... :)
Can't wait to talk to my lobster. I miss him. And I so want to hear him laugh.
LOL - the only dancing I engage in now is through zumba...and if you're sweating that much while dancing then it must be a work out. It's true...the moment I became a mom, dancing seemed almost inappropriate....what happened???? I haven't LAUGHED in such a long time...you know, that kind that makes you cry? I've been feeling like an old maid myself...