Friday, May 6, 2011

Thursdays and Fridays and wonderfulness

The lobster returned last night from a decent stretch of time apart. Not deployment length, but enough to miss him quite terribly. Needless to say, in this military household, last night was awesome!

Our kids wanted to be surprised when he came home. I went to pick him up and came home like normal. The lobster waited outside for my friend to leave and then came and rang the doorbell. I had the kids answer the door and they took a second to process that it was their daddy, but when they did they started screaming "DADDY!" and jumping up and down. It was so fun to surprise them! :)

This morning they are crowding around him like he's a brand new puppy. It is beautiful to sit here watching them be all over him and enjoying him. What a blessed sight it is to see how deeply they love him and cherish him. The scene in our home is filled with joy and a lot of little people's voices telling their father everything that they can possibly think of to tell him.

On another note...I have lost nine pounds in a couple of weeks of yoga. Seriously! I have never lost weight so quickly in my life. I have done an awful lot of exercise routines, and this one is lengthening my muscles, helping  my back, and making me feel like a woman. Plus it also happens to just be having weight fall off. I enjoy that. I wish someone had introduced me to yoga after the triplets!!! I don't know how well I would've been able to do it with the newborn triplets but it would've been nice to try.

Anyway. It's been a great morning so far. I feel so blessed. Now back to the cell phone constantly getting text messages (his), and the phone calls that come all the time from his soldiers, and the busy-ness of having the whole family together. I honestly wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world. :)

1 comment:

  1. Awe, I love that they opened the door and it took them a minute :) Congrats on the weight loss!! I mean we're hot already, but working on our fitness is just going to make us THAT much hotter ;)
