Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Love is a powerful, simple and yet completely complicated word. Love is life changing, perspective altering. Love gives all. It has to, because it doesn't have the option of holding back. Love is messy, feisty, argumentative, emotional, and completely insane.

In my own life, I have different levels of "love". I can literally count on just a few fingers the number of people that are on the receiving end of my intense love. With all of them, I instantly loved them (despite all logic), and have continued to do so. With all of them I have given more of my emotional state than with everyone else combined. With each of them I would give and give and give and give. With each of them I would bend over backwards, climb Mount Everest, swim the ocean, and cry buckets and buckets of tears.

These are people in my life who don't get a lot of public recognition, with the exception of Chief. This is for a multitude of reasons, the first of which is that I am incredibly protective of them. Ferociously so. Almost borderline psychotically protective. The second is that my love for them is not an option. It isn't something that I can choose to turn off. It isn't something that anyone else is allowed to have an opinion about. It is what it is because it has to be. 

I have never been able to pinpoint what it is about these individuals that creates this attachment. I have spent an incredible amount of introspective thought power to try to say why it is that I must love these people. I can't say. There is no one thing that clicks in my mind and says this is it! This is why! Now it makes sense. There are just too many reasons to list. There is too much about them that is too significant. It is on a completely different plane of reality from everyone else.

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