Monday, November 28, 2011

I am really sick of people's "thankfulness". I realize that's a pretty shocking thing to read, especially considering that I am all about gratitude, however, I am sick of this notion that because thanksgiving occurred, we're all supposed to focus extra attention on gratitude for this period of time. I am annoyed by that. I'm sick of the "30 days of thanksgiving" that people have been doing around me. I mean, should thankfulness have a statute of limitations of 30 days? Should we only be thankful for the month of November? Then we are free to launch right back into the self centered, ego driven mentality that we all employ throughout the rest of the year?

If I'm honest, November embarrasses me. Really, it does. My brother in law posted this comical joke about how  it's ironic that Americans spend a whole day being thankful for what they have, and then they follow it up the very next day with buying new stuff (black friday). It's embarrassing. I think it's embarrassing to sit in my fancy house, with my fancy clothes and my fancy stuff, and my big massive fancy meal and not be burdened by those suffering around me. I think it's embarrassing to start focusing on buying an incredible amount of "stuff" for Christmas, rather than to focus on the people in the world who are starving. I carry those hearts with me. I am so eager for the day when I can run to them and love on them in the physical sense.

I am embarrassed that Thanksgiving's meaning has been changed. I am embarrassed that this country holds no traditions sacred anymore. I am embarrassed that my children are bombarded with imagery and electronicism (totally just made that up), while creativity and activity become things we have to "push" them to do, rather than just standard practice. I am embarrassed that it's against the law in my city, to feed a homeless person, or give them money.

I am so sick of this pseudo-thankfulness that I see going on around me. Are you really truly grateful? Then why do just 30 days of thanksgiving? Why not make it 365?

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