Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Village People. :)

My life has been wrought with many ups and downs. I've had a difficult time finding "my people" (as my blogging celebrity friend puts it). I am a difficult soul. I joke constantly, over commit myself, have good intentions but almost always speak without thinking (then I fret for days and days over what I probably shouldn't have said but did...). I come across as being a know-it-all, when I'm really not in my heart. I'm probably over confident when I shouldn't be, and not confident enough when I should be. I homeschool, so I'm always around my children and I really don't get the whole mentality of sending my kids off to school for 2/3 of their day in a country where they don't really learn much... I'm Catholic. But not just Catholic, a Catholic who became one after years and years of Baptist-ism and the schooling, study, theology, Bible-leading that went along with it (in other words... I know why I am Catholic). I am obsessed with my husband. But I hope in a good way??? And I've been driven to insanity by my four kids, the four-legged love of my life, Venemous (don't ask), and Gus-Gus the Circus Dog.

That's me, up there ^^^ in a nutshell. I'm obviously much more than those things, but I hope it helps to paint a picture of why it's difficult for me to form attachments/friendships. I am crazy. :)

A little over a year ago, the hubster mentioned that I needed to find some more of "my people". I really didn't have any of those at the time, so I started to pray. I just started to ask God to open doors, bring women into my life. Give me "friends". Help me to trust. Help me to open up. Slowly, He did.

It started with one Italian sunbeam who came and brought me so much joy. She encouraged me (and I hope I encouraged her too!!!), and we'd laugh together, share the silliness of life, vent about the Army (mostly me doing that... HAHA!), and enjoy each other. She. is. awesome. Then He saw fit to bless me with a plethora of other sunbeams to come and challenge me in different ways! The Photographer (who I stalk. Seriously. I'm in her bushes as I write this! HA!), an Irishman and her clan, The Celebrity Blogger, The Juicer/Monsanto Hater, the Catholic, the Coffee Lover, The Jeweler, and on and on. These are my people. These women are my clan. My posse. My crew.

So this is my sappy, obnoxious version of saying to each of them. I prayed for you. I still pray for you. You are massive blessings to me. You all give me courage, encouragement, support. You help me to be a better wife, mother, gardener (poor celebrity blogger... she has a CHALLENGE on her hands!), Catholic (gotta know my stuff!!! HAHA!), and woman as a whole. I am more thankful for you than I could ever say. I hope you always know that even if time and distance causes us to grow apart eventually (seriously... the PCS moves need to come to an end!), I will always hold you dear in my heart. Forever.

So... feel special, because you are. And know that you have a purpose. Even if it's just to encourage this old broad for a time. (sidebar: I felt the need to add here that your sole purpose in life is to live for me... HAHAHA! Isn't that how that whole last paragraph read!?!?! But I knew it would make you laugh! So laugh! HA!)

You are treasures to me. :)

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