Sunday, May 19, 2013

Radical Holy Spirit

The notion of radical Christianity has become almost as dirty as a four letter word. Even when discussing the subject in a room full of "christians", the notion of radicalism is shunned, rejected and suppressed. But when did the idea of radicalism change to include murder, evil, or wickedness? Radical Christianity is what every single follower of Christ should strive for. A change so radical, and love so intense, and spirit so consuming that we become radical.

It's sad that Christianity used to be completely radical. To be a Christian meant that you were willing to do radical things, like sell everything you owned and give all the money away to the poor. It meant being willing to have your bodies burned as torches, or to sit and pray for God to have mercy on the soul of the very person who was causing you unimaginable human suffering. To be radical meant to be like Jesus.

But now, this notion of Christianity has been so tainted, corrupted and diluted that to be a "christian" means to really be nothing like what Christ (and all of his Apostles) actually laid out for us. To be a "christian" means that we simply say some stupid statement and then roam around the planet just like every other miserable person roaming around the planet and feel like we're going to go to heaven when we die. "Christianity" today means ignoring every thing uncomfortable and radical that is clearly laid out in the Bible over and over again (love intensely, give everything, put others above yourself, etc etc etc). "Christianity" today is a joke, and I don't want to be one.

I want my days to be so intensely exhausting that the only possible way I could ever have gotten through it is by the presence of the Holy Spirit living in me. I want my heart to be so radical that I pray for massively impossible things and then sit back and watch as the Holy Spirit makes them happen. I want those things to be so impossible and impractical and unlikely so that NO person can take the credit. I want the Holy Spirit to get all of the glory.

It's a radical thought... trusting God like that... believing Jesus... submitting to the Holy Spirit... Yikes! If only we would actually do it...

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