Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The death-of-me dollhouse

A little over a year ago, I got into my head that my daughter should be gifted a lavish dollhouse. You know, the kind you always dreamed about as a little girl, but never got. She was given a dollhouse that had to be assembled, and she was incredibly excited about it.

Well, let me just tell you, putting together a dollhouse is a giant pain in the neck. I kid you not. It takes an incredible amount of time. I have spent a gazillion hours gluing tiny little pieces, and then being stuck for 48 hours until the glue completely sets, to continue on. Well, 48 hours later, one does not necessarily want to work on the dollhouse anymore, which makes motivation incredibly difficult to keep around.

We are finally nearing the end. I think. The trims are on (with the exception of the balcony trim, and that's because the less I have to cover and tape before painting the better), the stairs are in and the railings, the baseboards are in My next step is painting, which I will try to motivate myself to work on today. Then when the paint dries, we move on to adding the final trim, gluing in the windows, dying the roof tiles, and then installing them, and then this thing is complete.

I have had several people ask me if I'd make one for their kid, and the answer is no. I've had several people ask me if I'll make one for each of my daughters, and I'm fairly certain the answer is no. I've had several people ask me if I've enjoyed doing this and the answer is a loud and clear no. However, I'm fairly certain the excitement on Lolli's face when it's finally done and she can play with it, will turn all my irritations about doing it in to complete excitement.

When it's done, I'll post pictures of the journey and the finished product. :)

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