Saturday, January 21, 2012


One of my favorite memories from my pre-children days was being able to sleep in. It might be disgusting to admit it in terms of laziness, but Chief and I would sleep until lunch time, snuggle in bed, watch tv, get up and eat, and head back to bed. No, not in a dirty way (for any of you gutter minds), but really because beds are comfortable and we like ours.

When children show up in a household, one can say goodbye to sleeping in. It's just not going to happen anymore. Even if you're spouse gets up with the kids, your ears are still tuning in to the chaos that is ensuing outside of your bedroom door. How can anyone sleep when children are running up and down hallways, or crying, or doing a myriad of activities? You can't. So you get up.

This morning, the hubster woke up early and I was apparently so tired that I didn't even hear our children screaming and carrying on. When I finally did awaken, there was some component in me that ached for those moments when we were younger. So from my sleepy haze, I texted the hubster to come here (nicely). When he did, we just snuggled. For like three hours. The kids came in and snuggled too. There was a lot of laughing, a lot of dogs trying to participate, a lot of precious time together. When we were laying there, he brought up how it was before we had the kids.

It's weird because when you are dealing with young children, your brain is so tired that it can barely comprehend moments beyond the current one you're dealing with. As I have now entered in to the phase with children who are much more independent and self sufficient, I am enjoying it tremendously. I love them being able to problem solve on their own. I love being able to have more precious moments with Chief without having to constantly monitor their cries and needs. I love them being able to come in our room and say "Hold me!" as they climb up in our bed for some snuggles. I love playing games with them, and laughing with them. I love asking them questions about things they'd like to pursue and then figuring out ways to help them pursue them.

When the triplets came into our world, everything was thrown upside down and launched into complete chaos. It's really wonderful to have these moments now where everything has become so much more of an adventure than just survival.

This Saturday has been one sweet one.

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