Sunday, September 20, 2015


People think he isn't fierce. They think that I walk all over him. They think because I'm loud, boisterous and confident, that he's somehow less of a man, or incapable of "winning"... as if that's even possible between a husband and a wife, but I digress.

I wonder if he feels unnoticed or like his sacrifices go unseen. He works his ass off, in the shadows. He isn't loud about it. His work ethic is unrelenting. He will go and go and go and go and never complain. He can be pushed to places where I would have had a nervous breakdown, and still come out smiling. I am in awe.

In my mind, the best of the best, are often the people who don't need you to notice. They're the people who don't want or seek out accolades. They're the people who don't cry out and beg for attention, and ask for banners or grandiose statements, or anything for themselves. The best of the best are the people who just.keep.going because that's who they are. And he is, America. He is.

He is my safe place. He's where I can go in all of my might and disintegrate into a puddle of tears. He is the embrace when I feel empty, he is the light when I feel lost, he is the warmth when I feel frozen. He is my laughter, my silliness, my positive outlook.

He guides this ship. Not as a dictator, but as someone entrusted with the most valuable gift I have to give: me. What a calling! To be the firm, to my flimsy; the decision, to my indecisiveness; the calm to my passion; the drive to my laziness; the yin to my yang...

America, he is my champion. I am wholly his. I am rendered to tears when I think of his value to me. What could I possibly say?

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