Sunday, March 31, 2013

The girl who changed the world

It's interesting how the most powerful of all scenarios begins with belief. Especially since we live in a world where we're pretty much unwilling to believe anything. We've lost our ability to trust.

I find it absolutely beautiful that the King chose to enter the world through a girl. I also find it humbling that God searched out the heart's of all womankind and the only righteous one he could find was in a young girl. The faith of a child.... And she believed. She believed what was told to her. She accepted the destiny handed down to her. She was chosen and she was cool with that, come what may.

Mary is played down so much when it comes to Christ. That breaks my heart for a million reasons. I can't help but wonder how much strength Christ might have drawn from His mother as He hung on that cross. She never left His side. She didn't abandon Him. She stood beside Him through it all, until the very end. She was there. She was in it. She was devoted.

Her strength is astounding. Her faith is inspiring. Her love is empowering.

The belief of one changed the fate of many. The actions of One changed the fate of the many.

You know why this means so much to my heart? Because it's convicting. It has become so prevalent in the realm of women to undermine our might. We have accepted the notion that we must stand on the sidelines and be quiet, let the men do the dirty work. We work as ministers in our homes... It's not that the notion of ministering in our homes isn't true, but it's so much more than that. We're called to believe. We're called to believe so fiercely, so intensely, that the essence of our whole lives is forever changed. We're called to stand beside Him, forever. Not to turn away when things get ugly. As women we are created to be able to handle that kind of intensity. We have the ability to pour out love in the midst of intense hatred without saying a word. We have the ability to stand quietly and embrace, without moving our arms. We have the ability to be present, to be strong, when the entire world is falling apart. We have the ability to move mountains, to change the world, just by believing.

One girl changed my life forever. She didn't know me, she couldn't have even fathomed my existence in the moment when she changed my life. But this one girl, made it so that I can love her Son. She believed so that her Son could save my life. She had the faith that I so deeply desire to have in my self. She loved Him the way I want to love Him.

"Flesh of my flesh... heart of my heart... My Son, let me die with you." (Mary, The Passion of the Christ)

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