Thursday, January 17, 2013

Tragic Goodbyes

I hate getting a new computer. It's not that I mind spending the money. It doesn't really bother me to spend money on myself or my family, if it is purposeful. It is about a relationship being over.

My computer and I have had some good times. I have shed many a tear (and an awful lot of laughs) in front of this computer screen. I have skyped with my best friend when he was deployed, multiple times, in front of this keyboard. I've clicked out angry, encouraging, and broken hearted emails. I've poured out my heart on this very blog, through the keyboard of this computer. She has worked fiercely and tirelessly to function the way I want. She has held my children's pictures, my kids' educational needs, and the needs of the volunteer work that I mostly enjoy.

But today, she announced that she was about to take off to the land of old and tired laptops. She's been giving me signs of distress for a while now. I've used up her mental capacity and she's grown weary. She is, after all, 5+ years old (ancient in laptop land). She's been slowing down and taking her sweet time to do things. I think her bones are aching.

This morning she froze in place and stopped moving. I could hear her breathing, but she didn't respond to my clicks or mouse prods. I had to forcefully shut her down. When I did that she launched into a system check that confirmed my suspicions: she is done.

So it appears that we will be getting a new one and I'll have to build up a new relationship with some other laptop. Gone will be the days of Windows 7 and I will have to adapt to Windows 8. I'll have to wipe this computer, and destroy the memory banks so that some stranger can not access her scattered brain and steal my identity. How utterly tragic.

My poor girl. You've served me well. Now where is my sledge hammer? :)

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