Friday, November 2, 2012

The power of an hour

There are certain days where the daily routine needs to be changed. Today is one of those days.

In a normal day, I have four children who are happy, well rounded individuals. They learn, play, communicate, and enjoy each other's company. We challenge ourselves and each other to discover new things and it's a blast. Then there are days where I genuinely start to wonder if my children have been invaded by body snatchers that are completely insane.

The days started off rough. Whining, crying, fighting, arguing, ignoring me, carrying on, etc etc etc had all occurred within the first 30 minutes of them being awake and has pretty much carried on throughout the day.

What is the solution to this madness? A nap. I kid you not, an hour of laying down, completely bored, totally silent, seems to do something to these body snatchers. My normal children return and life goes on as usual. You'd think that at 7 and 5, this would have little to no effect, but that has yet to be the case.

I think sometimes we all tend to get a little wrapped up in emotional chaos and that trickles it's way into every aspect of our thought processes throughout the day. This hour of quiet rejuvenates, revives, and reconnects all of us to sanity.

When you're having a day like mine, try creating an hour of rest. At the most, a little classical music can be on, but the goal is to have it as quiet as possible. You might be amazed at how quickly zen returns to your home.

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