Thursday, November 8, 2012

Operation Waxation Nation Savings

Women are furry. Let's just face it. And we're not necessarily furry in the cute puppy kind of way. We're furry in gross, terrifying places that men would probably panic if they actually knew how furry we really are. The mustache? It's not just for men... Apparently God thought it would be funny to give it to us ladies too, and then He saw fit to invent all sorts of things for us to keep that sucker under control. Can I say unibrow? Um, the majority of women actually have one, if they don't tame the wild eye brow beasts that are growing on their faces. I promise you, it's highly likely that your tender dear feminine love has a forest growing someplace that you would rather not EVER know exists.

This brings me to my how-to-save-on-something point. Stop investing your hard earned dollars on a waxation nation consultant and become your own. That's right folks, I am advocating learning to do it for yourself. About a year ago, I purchased my own "wax at home" kit and learned to tame the furry beasts on my face. I can't even begin to tell you the amount of money I have saved by learning to wax myself. Not to mention, I can wax at my convenience, not someone else's.

I have insanely sensitive skin (seriously), and waxing myself allows me to be selective about the type of wax and the temperature it is heated to (believe it or not, the temperature is a huge factor over whether or not I look like a tractor plowed across my face).

Gone are the days of paying someone else to do my dirty work. Present are the days where I can say ca ching! every time I warm up my little wax pot. :)

Happy Thursday!

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