Tuesday, December 10, 2013



Don't ever give up on love. Just don't do it. Don't ever walk away from it. Or hide your war beaten heart from it. Don't ignore it and forsake it.

If there is anything that I have ever taught you or given you the ability to understand, it is this that I hold dearest to my heart. Love always wins in the end. You just have to be brave enough, gentle enough, faithful enough to wait it out.

It's the only gift that keeps on giving. It's the only treasure that can't be priced, because it can't be forced out of you. It's the only gift that literally covers a multitude of sins, hurts, betrayals, devastations. Love makes life worth living. Love. It's the most beautiful four letter word in the world.

Agape love saved my life. It saved your Daddy's. Agape love saved our marriage. It literally brought life in to this world. Love conquered death. Not just the Jesus version of that equation either. Love, literally, conquered death, in my life. Love brought your father back to me. When every single aspect of who he was, and is, and could have been, died.

Love covered a multitude of sins. It healed the wounds that war inflicted on my body. It saved me from the darkness of fear, anger, and abandonment. Love is the greatest of heroes. Love never hurts, never betrays, never ends. Love is!

Don't you ever turn your back on love. You wait for it. You wait for it to come, like the life changing, all encompassing, magical experience that it is. You fight with every single ounce of fight you have in you, to keep it alive. You nurture it, cherish it, honor it.

Don't you ever stop giving it away. Love isn't love unless you're pouring it out on those around you. Love is giving it away.

Don't confuse love with emotions. It's not. Love is action. Love is choices. Love is waking up every single day and deciding to be bigger, more powerful, more generous than your selfish nature wants to convince you to be. Love is doing. Love is flexible. It's choosing to believe the best of people, being kind, encouraging, supportive... Love is forgiving the wrongs done against you, in the most supernatural, humanly-impossible type of way.

Love means losing your life. You can't hold on to your life, and love. Love is the act of giving your life away.

Be that person. Be that person who loves so hard, and so big, and so powerfully, that no one can give you the credit. Be that person through whom a multitude of hurts are healed, and a plethora of wrongs are righted. Be bigger than what the world will try and convince you to be.

Be the Love that changes the whole world.

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