Monday, April 20, 2009

April 20, 2009

I woke up this morning with an immensely sore throat. I am fairly certain it's just from having had allergies last night, but one can never be sure. It seems like I'm sick all the time. Maybe it's stress, maybe it's from lack of exposure to EP germs, maybe it's a weak immune system, maybe it's all of it. Either way, when you wake up in pain your day doesn't feel like it starts off so great.

I'm emotional. I started crying as I said my childrens' breakfast prayers. I'm overwhelmed. It seems like sickness has been in my household for the last three months and I'm really over it. It also seems that no matter how much I clean doorknobs and toys, that it keeps going around and around. I'm actually to the point where I'm going to stop being so uptight about the anti bacterial stuff...our immune systems just need to get stronger.

This past weekend we welcomed my husband's platoon to our home. Yup, almost all of them came. I made meatloaf, potatoes and asparagus, and they seemed to enjoy themselves. A few of them stayed until midnight! It was really neat getting to know them. But I will say that being around a bunch of 19 year olds really makes one grateful to not be single. They genuinely all seem to basically have sex on the brain. It's sort of like they see girls as objects to be conquered. That night I told my lobster that I am so glad that I'm not in that world anymore. I mean, I'm always glad that I'm not single and that I'm married, I just had a vivid reminder about it.

Anyway...I'm sitting here while my kids finish breakfast. In a few minutes I have to go give kids 2 and 3 breathing treatments. Good times!

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