Friday, November 11, 2022



    I have two best friends: one that I am married to, and one that I am not. You know an awful lot about the one that I am married to, but I don't talk about BA as much. I will attempt to do so now.

    I am not one prone to a lot of labels. Calling someone a "best" anything is something I am generally opposed to doing. I think that a best friend is something hard fought to win. It comes with responsibility, dedication, commitment, and loyalty. I don't just offer those commitments out willy-nilly. When I met BA, my whole family decided that she was my "best friend." It took me a while to get on board. 

    She and I are a lot alike. As we grew in our friendship, the similarities kept on coming. Where we are different, it compliments. I am heavily prone to the dramatic (anyone surprised!?) while she is super even-keeled. I panic, she reflects. We are both passionate, focused, incredibly smart bad mofos handling life like bosses (haha). She can make me laugh so hard it hurts. She can take a dark and cloudy emotional day and remind the inner-hot-mess-of-myself that she is not alone, and she'll be okay. She inspires the shit out of me. She navigates life with such wisdom and grace, and it annoys me (on occasion) that she doesn't see it in herself. It's a privilege to walk with her while she loves our God, her husband, and her children, while tackling new challenges, seeking out answers, and navigating the hurdles of growing older.

    I do not hold the eloquence in writing that she does (she's an author), so I struggle to describe her. She was the greatest gift that Fort Benning ever gave me. I know that I can call her and rant and rave about my pitiful life (cue tiny violins), and she will support me, my marriage, my motherhood, my Catholicism, and my femininity. She doesn't judge me when I utter a plethora of curse words in one sentence, and a genuine prayer in the next. She totally accepts my personal obsession with Moses, as someone who sees it almost as clearly as my husband and children do (but she's not under any contractual obligations to accept it. LOL!). 

    I told her today that we can go for weeks without talking, but no matter what she's my best friend. Like it or not! Sort of like the blood-in-blood-out vibe of my marriage. LOL! I wish, with all of my heart that we could live in the same city again, but even if that is not meant to be, I know that in Heaven (when we get there) we will be laughing, talking, and having the world's best time. 

    She's amazing, America! What's some things you cherish about your best friend?