Friday, October 29, 2021



Today I am emerging out of a haze of toxicity and venom. Today I am deep cleaning my house after being out sick from my job for two days. It's the happiest I've been in months. The best sleep I've had in ages. That's telling...

Today I'm preparing to launch myself out of the abusive relationship that pays me a salary. I'm immersing myself in the safety and comfort of my marriage, the joy of my children, and the immense anxiety of the massive question of what is my next chapter? Maybe you're in the midst of a transformation too. Maybe you're wondering who you are and what you want out of life, just like me, and I'm here to tell you dive in

Today I'm smiling because my best friend celebrated my walking away, rather than shaming me for "giving up," a very real set of thoughts that have plagued my brain about this decision. She reminded me that this is abusive, I have been miserable, and I don't need to be there. Today I'm so thankful that I don't need to work there...

Today I'm sipping on coffee, and feeling light because I'm unchaining myself from possession. I'm hoping again, planning again, dreaming again, writing again. Today I haven't run my fingers through my hair and pulled out strands by the handfuls. Today I showered because I wanted to, and enjoyed the flow of water and the joy that I'm walking away.

Today, I talked to my husband, the way we used to, just because. Today I'm baking pumpkin bread, thinking about what I want to make for dinner, and smiling because I'm doing laundry. Today I have written my resignation letter, and am diving in to whatever is next. My eyes are wide shut, but my heart is chock full of anticipation because I know that whatever comes is going to be so much better than this. 

America, I hope you have not lost sight of your value and if you have, I hope your soul gets a breath of life poured in to it today.

Happy Friday!