Recently God has challenged me to embark on a journey of alone-ness. Sin is constantly crouching at the door. It is ready and willing and eager to destroy me. Often times, I have found that sin entices me, through other people. It is extremely difficult for me to have female friends. Not because other women are wicked or evil or bad or anything of that sort. It is difficult because I am! I love to hear the juicy details of gossip. I have spent many years enjoying "being in the know" and feeling like I was a part of some "organization" of women. I have spent years seeking that out. It is all foolishness. I have no need for any other human being. Period. No need. I have often found that when I come home from spending time amongst a group of women at a social gathering, if I truthfully examine myself, I have come home from spending time gossiping or judging or ensnaring myself in drama.
I think we as Christians are completely unaware of how much we judge others. For example, if a friend comes to you and she's mad at her husband, you automatically will have an opinion about it. That's judgment. It isn't your place or your right to have an opinion about anything in that situation. Your "opinion" is irrelevant. But we get all high and mighty and we like to pick sides. This is foolishness. Women, as a natural tendency, like to vent our problems to other women. We like to retch out of our mouths all of our discomfort or dislikes or irritations, and then sit back and watch everyone congratulate us on how we're "such a great person" and "how could they do that to you" and "you'll get through it." We like to be pitied.
I must admit, I am the worst of all at this. I adore pity. It is a terrible wickedness that grows and swells and often times pours out of me. I seek pity. I have no idea why. Why does that aspect of myself have such a dominance in me? I believe it is because of pride.
I recently read this book about pride that my husband brought home. It was the most amazing book I have ever read. I don't know if I should really call it a book, or a large pamphlet. It was pretty short. But it hit the head on the nail, completely accurately, about how much I struggle with pride. It had so many examples of why people's sin are related to pride. Quite honestly, probably all of sin is somehow attributed to pride. We are so quick to see the sin and errors in other people and completely slow to understand or perceive the sin in ourselves. "Becky Sue judged me and was mean to me. She is a terrible 'Christian' and I can't believe she is doing ABC for the church." This is a perfect example of how we focus so much on the sin of everyone else...not ourselves. Because in that statement, the person talking about "Becky Sue" is the one who is completely immersed in wickedness. She is proud, judgmental, and slandering towards her SISTER in Christ.
Why are Christians so quick to forget that we are ONE BODY!? Why do we go on wickedly believing that we are able to have quarrels and fights and just to let it go? That is the complete root of evil. It is divisive and wretched and awful. Why do Christians believe that there can be clicks and that God would think that's okay? We are ONE! Like a husband and a wife. The Body of Christ is ONE entity. You can not have clicks, quarrels, drama, and problems and go on as if life has not changed and nothing is different. As Christians we are called to obey God. Not ourselves, not our pride, not our fear, not gossip, slander, malice, dishonesty or anything of that sort. We are called to be one body. One people. One unit. The essence of belonging, as being a part of the body of Christ, is not that we "belong" to our small group of friends at our church. It is that we belong to Christ as a whole. All of us, collectively, are the bride of Christ.
I grow tired and weakened by the wickedness that seems to thrive everywhere. Honestly. I hate how sin has such dominance in my life. I hate how what I want to do I don't do, and what I don't want to do, I seem to continue doing over and over again with such ease. I feel sometimes like sin is always winning.
The other day I was talking to someone, and all of this rage and hatred and resentment was pouring out of my mouth. It had been welling in me for several days, and I was praying for God to take it away...but He did not. He had a lesson for me to learn. I sat there and poured out these horrible, horrible, horrible words on my dear Christ brother. I unleashed a wickedness in me that I have not seen in a long time. I remember sitting there watching this horribleness defeat and deflate my brother in Christ. I could visibly see what it was doing. When my eyes saw through my own horrible pride and saw what this was doing I became silent. My brother in Christ asked me why I had stopped talking and if I needed to continue. I started to cry. And pride continued in its wickedness and I walked away so that he would not see me cry. Alone, I cried to God and asked him what He wanted me to learn. Why this situation was here. What did I need to change. My dear friends, I kid you brother in Christ, my fellow heir in the kingdom of heaven came in and comforted me in my tears. He poured no wrath or rage on me. He retaliated in no way. In humility and kindness, he embraced me with complete forgiveness. I was broken.
This is such an example of our glorious Father in heaven. As we pour out enormous amounts of wickedness...He is there embracing and forgiving.
To be honest with you, this post is now so long that I have completely forgotten what I was originally writing about. I suppose, I am trying to write about what I'm learning. Oh I remember what my point was. My brother in Christ had "wronged" me. I mean, he literally did. It was a clear cut, anyone could see, how he had wronged me situation. And I was hell bent on licking my wounds and being angry and feeling sorry for myself. I was determined to be angry and to wallow in self pity. I was completely blinded by my own pride. Instead of embracing my brother (as he did to me when I was completely sinning against him) and forgiving him with open arms, I resented him and wanted to hurt him. I was so focused on his sin, that I didn't see my own.
In the busyness and the noisiness and the is so easy to ignore my own faults. It is easy to continue walking onward, as if I was really different, or really changed by God's grace. It is easy to convince myself that I really am obviously different from the "non saved" and that people can see God working in me. When I surround myself with believers, who will be there to actually tell me whether or not I really am different? Christians have been taught to seek out Christ in other believers. We are quick to do that for our fellow Christians. We rarely do it for those that are not in our click. I was too comfortable. I was too contented by the people I had surrounded myself with. I do not want to be comfortable ever. I want to constantly be bended, challenged, pushed and changed. I want at the end of my life, to be so clear an example of Christ, that there is NO question about who lives in me and who leads me. I don't want to be like everyone else. I want to be like Christ. this has been really rambly. God is good. Please always know...when I write these things...I am writing about myself. I am judging myself and condemning myself. I would never be so presumptuous to assume that I know what anyone else needs to hear. God is teaching me so much about myself, who He wants me to be, and how He wants me to get there. I am a constant work in progress. I am not now, nor will I ever be, content with who I am. I do not believe the day will ever come where I will go, "Okay. I've finished working. I am a complete puzzle now" at least not while I walk this earth anyway.
Oh I can't wait to get to heaven! I can't wait to be free from myself! Until then...these boots were made for walking, and that's just what they'll do! :)